staring into /dev/null


Advent CTF 2014 - Shellcodeme

Why o why do we take part in these painful exercises? Again, shellcodeme seemed like such a simple task. But looks, like all the other challenges of Advent CTF 2014, can be deceiving!

Advent CTF 2014 - Oh My Scanf

Another month, another CTF! This Advent CTF runs almost the entire month of December. This challenge seemed easy at first, but turned out to be a bit more tricky!

Don’t Hate the Playground, Hate the Game

Several months ago, Peleus approached me and asked me to participate in a beta-test of an upcoming Offsec “Playground”. I still feel honored for being selected! Together with several others, I was given over two weeks of intensive beta-breaking :)

9447 CTF: Rolling

The last flag for 9447 CTF that I got was this binary reversing challenge. Let’s get rolling!

9447 CTF: Booty

9447 CTF was ran the other day, and while I didn’t have a lot of time, I managed to snatch a couple of flags. First one was this pirate-themed Binary Exploitation.