staring into /dev/null


Knock-knock-knocking on Root’s Door

Near the end of ASIS CTF, in which vulnhub-ctf took part, zer0w1re decided to release his first VM called knock-knock! Naturally, I had to download it and give it a shot :)

Tinyctf Writeup

tinyctf was ran by @balidani and was actually a very enjoyable Jeopardy-style CTF event! I spent quite some time on the challenges and got all flags except crypto200. I kept some notes in keepnote which I converted to this blog post. The name of each challenge was a hint for solving the challenge. The author hinted at a VM containing all the challenges, so keep you eyes peeled for that one.

CSAW CTF Exploit 300: S3

A while ago, we threw together a semi-official VulnHub CTF team. This team participated in the CSAW CTF. For me, it was a new and humbling experience. I didn’t get a lot of flags but I managed to get this one.